As part of the Pazitos’ Education Program we will be working with El Centro Escolar de El Achiotal, the school that all our players currently attend or have attended. The greatest, immediate need identified by the school is to improve the drinking water and sanitary facilities. Currently, the students do not have access to clean, safe drinking water and flushable toilets with proper plumbing.
Lacking proper facilities has a tremendous effect on the health, education, and future of the students. According to UNICEF, a lack of toilets remains one of the leading causes of illness and death among children. Furthermore, many young women are forced to miss school during their menstrual cycle, setting them behind in their education.
Adding to the school's needs is access to clean, safe drinking water. The only water available to the students is contaminated, this puts all the children at great risk for becoming sick. As the school principal said, the students' parents send their children to school to receive an education, not to get sick.
Pazitos' goal is to raise $25,000 to build SIX bathrooms with indoor plumbing, a multi-station sink, and facilities to provide clean drinking water. All donations made to Pazitos during the month of October will be earmarked for this project.
Help us provide the children, youth, and young women of El Achiotal with the school and future they deserve!
